Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
Long-Term Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS
Sep 14, 2020
Long-Term Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS
Sep 14, 2020
The metaphor of a mother as a juggler has never been more accurate than while we are sheltering in place in our homes. Certainly, fathers also experience stress related to their multiple roles. I will address fatherhood and its challenges at another time. This blog is dedicated to moms (although dads are welcome to read…
Puppets are magical. For centuries, puppeteers have transformed scraps of cloth, wood, feathers, and paper into puppets that mesmerize children (and many adults, too). As talented and versatile character actors, puppets can be funny in one scene and the victim of tragedy in another. Although puppets can be entertaining, they also have therapeutic roles. A…
Welcome to the first post on our new blog, Inside INSIGHTS! We are posting this initial commentary on our new website! I hope you will find these blogs informative and will respond to them with your own insights (pun intended). You are most welcome to ask for clarification of the content. Feel free to comment…
Temperament-based Elementary Classroom Management McClowry, S. G. (2014). Temperament-based Elementary Classroom Management. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. This book presents an alternative to the “one size fits all” classroom approach. This approach asserts that teachers need to incorporate knowledge about temperament into their strategies for classroom management. As studies have demonstrated, targeted temperament-based strategies succeed where global…
Using What Works: Elementary School Classroom Management McClowry, S. G. (2016). Using What Works: Elementary School Classroom Management.Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Many teachers-in-training and their more experienced colleagues find classroom management challenging. Using what works: Elementary School Classroom Management invites elementary school to look beyond untested teacher strategies. Instead this book presents an evidence-based…
Your Child’s Unique Temperament: Insights and Strategies for Responsive Parenting McClowry, S. G. (2003). Your Child’s Unique Temperament: Insights and Strategies for Responsive Parenting. Champaign, IL: Research Press. Finally, a self-help parenting book that assists parents in appreciating how temperament (personality) influences the development of their school-age children. This book describes the normal variations in…