Insights on INSIGHTSParents

Greetings from INSIGHTS! 


My name is Heather and I am the Business Manager for INSIGHTS Intervention.  You may have seen me at a workshop or on our website.  I am also a wife and a mom, both are roles that I have cherished.  When I was pregnant with my older daughter I began reading parenting books and articles in preparation for the years to come.  One line that has stayed with me all these years later is, “The goal is to raise functioning, independent adults.”  I try to keep this in mind as we go through life and it has shaped how we present daily life to our girls.


Just like you, this year has been a rollercoaster for my family.  Parenting in particular has taken a strange turn this year.  We have had discussions I hadn’t expected to have:


“What happens if mom gets sick?”

“What about dad?” 

“Both mom and dad?  

“Mom, dad, and my sister?”

“What if it is so bad that someone in my family passes away?”


I prepared a list of family member’s phone numbers so everyone knew who to call in case of an issue. I reassured my children that we are following social distancing rules, wearing masks, and only going to the store when necessary. 


There have been times where we needed help beyond what mom and dad’s parenting tool box contained. We are grateful for the professionals and school staff who gave us strategies to use to help guide our family through anxiety, depression, and uncertainty. In the Spring, one of my girls had a teacher that would routinely call to check-in and see how she was doing academically and emotionally.  My daughter shared her feelings of anxiety and depression and she patiently listened. 


She replied, “You are not alone.  I have those feelings too and this is how I manage them…” What an empowering conversation for my daughter!  She already thought the world of her teacher and knowing she was leading a productive life while managing her anxiety was so helpful. I am so grateful for her teacher’s willingness to share her own experience and for normalizing such an overwhelming feeling.   


While it’s been rocky at times, we have tried hard to find the good in all of the chaos.  We donate to favorite local charities, video chat with friends and family, work on craft projects together, play board games, and are working on a refresh of our living room ahead of the long winter at home.  We stop and listen when one of us isn’t feeling good inside.  We enjoy music, books, and movies, working on puzzles, and riding bikes in the fresh air.  We aren’t taking any of these things for granted.  I’m sure you aren’t either.  


In the comments below, share ways that you and your family have spent time together over the last several months.   


We can all use some new ideas!


In response to the current situation, INSIGHTS Intervention is now offering online individual and group sessions for parents and for children.

Most of all, be safe, stay well, and treasure those you love. 

Give us your insights!