BooksInsights on INSIGHTSParents

I confess, I have always been terrible at waiting even when I’m anticipating something exciting. Usually in December, my waiting focuses on the Holidays, particularly Christmas, when my family gathers and exchanges presents and hugs. This year will be different so instead of making my usual holiday list of gifts to purchase and wrap, I found myself preparing a new type of list:

I am waiting for:

  • Immunizations to protect against Covid-19
  • Spring
  • Adequate funding for people suffering medically or financially from Covid-19 
  • Reconciliation between factions in our country 


As my waiting list went on and on, I felt frustrated because I do not have the power to check off any of the items. So, I decided to look for inspiration while waiting. I first turned to YouTube (where else?) and typed in “waiting.”  John Mayer sang about “Waiting on the World to Change.”  John seemed to be in the same mindset as me but he offered no solutions. Then Colin Hayes sang “Waiting for my real life to begin” which was lovely but this is my life and I don’t want to WAIT! Fortunately, inspiration finally came from Piggy and Gerald in a book called, “Waiting is Not Easy,” written by my very favorite author, Mo Willems. 


Listen to Emmett from Concert for Tots read the book and see whether Piggy will also inspire you during these waiting days.   


After you listen to “Waiting is Not Easy,” see if you can identify the temperaments of Gerald and Piggy. Are they shy, social, industrious, or high maintenance?  


From my perspective, Gerald is like Gregory the Grumpy whose temperament is high maintenance (Girls can have high maintenance temperaments like Gretchen the Grumpy).  

Piggy seems like Felicity the Friendly. Boys who have the same temperament as Felicity are called Fredrico the Friendly in INSIGHTS.


Regardless of your temperament and those of your children, we hope that your waiting days have plenty of opportunities for surprises like those that Piggy gave to Gerald.  


In response to the current situation, INSIGHTS Intervention is offering online individual and group sessions for parents and for children.

Most of all, be safe, stay well, and treasure those you love. 

Give us your insights!