
Industrious children demonstrate both high task persistence and low motor activity, which enables them to get things done. They take pleasure in their accomplishments. They are also low in negative reactivity, which means they are pleasant most of the time.

Hilary the Hard Worker


Henry the Hard Worker


Hilary the Hard Worker

Hilary the Hard Worker

Hello. My name is Hilary and I’m a hard worker. I take pride in my ability to get things done. I’m doing well at school because it’s really easy for me to complete the assignments my teacher gives to me. Sitting quietly is not a problem for me but I do sometimes run out of time before my work is done to my satisfaction. My mom says I’m a perfectionist—that’s a good thing isn’t it?

Hilary the Hard Worker

More about Hilary

Hilary is industrious. She is both high in task persistence and low in motor activity. This enables her to get things done. She takes pleasure and pride in her accomplishments. Hilary is also low in negative reactivity, which means that she is pleasant most of the time.

On the other hand, Hillary’s mom worries that she isn’t assertive about getting her own needs met.

  • Low in Negative Reactivity

  • High in Task Persistence

  • Low in Activity

Henry the Hard Worker

Welcome. My name is Henry and I’m a hard worker. I love school projects. I’m just finishing up a book report about dinosaurs. My dad thinks it looks great but I’m not satisfied. Oh, if only I had more time!

Henry the Hard Worker
Henry the Hard Worker

More about Henry

Henry is industrious. His temperament is high in task persistence and low in motor activity—attributes that enable him to get projects done efficiently. Henry is also low in negative reactivity which means he is pleasant most of the time.

Sometimes, however, his perfectionism causes him to be distressed about the quality of his work.

  • Low in Negative Reactivity

  • High in Task Persistence

  • Low in Activity

Gregory the Grumpy
Gretchen the Grumpy


Children whose temperaments are high-maintenance are emotionally reactive, which means they usually react strongly and negatively to stress or change. They often seem moody. They are low in task persistence and have difficulty finishing tasks. They also demonstrate high levels of movement and wiggle frequently.

Hilary the Hard Worker
Henry the Hard Worker


Industrious children demonstrate both high task persistence and low motor activity, which enables them to get things done. They take pleasure in their accomplishments. They are also low in negative reactivity, which means they are pleasant most of the time.

Coretta the Cautious
Carlos the Cautious

Shy & Cautious

Children with cautious and shy temperaments are often shy and slow to warm up. They are low in approach, which means their first reaction is to withdraw from new or stressful situations. They also demonstrate high negative reactivity and will let you know when they are not pleased with a situation.

Fredrico the Friendly
Felicity the Friendly

Social & Eager to Try

Social children are eager to meet new people. They are high in approach, often driven by a need to be with people and to try new experiences. Their temperaments are low in negative reactivity and withdrawal, which means they are usually pleasant most of the time.