Fredrico the Friendly
Hi! My name is Fredrico but you can call me Freddy. It’s so nice to meet you! I already have lots of friends but you can never have too many. I love meeting new people. I also like going to new places and doing new things. Sometimes I get a little overly enthusiastic but life is supposed to be fun, isn’t it?

More about Fredrico
Fredrico is social and eager to try. He is driven by his need to be with people and try new experiences. Freddy’s temperament is low in withdrawal.
His parents worry that in his eagerness to try new things, Freddy does not always demonstrate the best judgment about his safety.
Felicity the Friendly
Hi! I’m Felicity and I’m delighted to meet you. It’s easy to get to know me. I’m the type of person who wants to meet everyone. I also like to try out all kinds of new things: places, food, and activities. I sure do have lots of fun!

More about Felicity
Felicity is social and eager to try. Her temperament is low in withdrawal. Felicity is driven by her need to be with people and try new experiences.
Her enthusiasm causes her to be less concerned about safety than her parent and teachers would like. Consequently, they monitor her carefully.
Children whose temperaments are high-maintenance are emotionally reactive, which means they usually react strongly and negatively to stress or change. They often seem moody. They are low in task persistence and have difficulty finishing tasks. They also demonstrate high levels of movement and wiggle frequently.
Industrious children demonstrate both high task persistence and low motor activity, which enables them to get things done. They take pleasure in their accomplishments. They are also low in negative reactivity, which means they are pleasant most of the time.
Shy & Cautious
Children with cautious and shy temperaments are often shy and slow to warm up. They are low in approach, which means their first reaction is to withdraw from new or stressful situations. They also demonstrate high negative reactivity and will let you know when they are not pleased with a situation.
Social & Eager to Try
Social children are eager to meet new people. They are high in approach, often driven by a need to be with people and to try new experiences. Their temperaments are low in negative reactivity and withdrawal, which means they are usually pleasant most of the time.