
INSIGHTS for Elementary School Educators (teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, and administrators) is a professional development program that has 6 one-hour asynchronized lessons and 7 synchronized one-hour sessions program that assists K-8 educators in recognizing children’s temperaments/personalities and then how to use strategies that reduce children’s behavior problems and enhances their social skills.  The lessons and sessions are built on Nearpod an award-winning engagement platform that is accessible on any remote device.   The lessons include videos, interactive activities, and downloadable handouts that can be used again and again.  The lessons are conducted by an experienced INSIGHTS facilitator who will coach the educators in applying the content to their students.  Most schools find It helpful to start with the professional development first, then they add the parent and children’s programs. See an outline of the program here and the cost of the program is explained here.

INSIGHTS has been tested in multiple federally funded randomized clinical trials.  The results show that INSIGHTS reduces children’s behavior problems, increases their academic skills, improves teachers’ relationships with challenging students, and their classroom management, in addition to improving parenting skills.  More information about the studies that tested INSIGHTS and our published papers are available here.

Attention NYC DOE Educators!

INSIGHTS has been awarded an MTAC that your school can utilize to pay for our professional development!  Our NYC DOE Contract # is QR1155L and our Vendor ID is INS235549. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Heather Nunes.

Check out our presentation from the 2021 NYC DOE SE(A)L Fair!

Curious About a Child’s Temperament?

There are multiple ways to identify a child’s temperament.  One way is through puppets.  Meet the INSIGHTS puppets:

Videos that introduce the puppets to young children:

An FYI: We are in the process of refilming the rest of the children’s videos as soon as we can safely gather with children in our production studio. In the meantime, our current videos have been well received by the children and their teachers who are currently using them. Schools and clinicians who purchase the current program will automatically receive the new videos for free when they are available. 

Solving dilemmas with your students

Educators Talk About Preparing for Fall 2021

Check out our App and please pass on the link to children so they can enjoy the “For kids” activities!

Developer: Dr. Sandee McClowry